
feeding my body


feeding my imagination


One of these pictures is not like the others. Or is it?

Happy Friday. May your weekend be filled with good reads, good eats, and good company.


  1. The second shot doesn't have any poultry in it...? (I'm assuming that's chicken in your salad!)

    Lovely pics-- I'm inspired to do a series of lunch-and-a-book posts. :-)

  2. I love, love, love this post. Such lovely photos. So many of my meals are spent with fork in one hand and a book in the other.

    I'm going to have to check out that science writing book. I just read Rebecca Skloot's other book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. It was great.

  3. Oh my gosh, I miss our chickens so much. It will take everything I have not to order chicks this spring. I hope yours didn't poop on your books.

  4. how often do you get new girls? and the fate of your older ones? of last year's batch of 3 newbies, we are left with just 1 and she refuses? to lay. hmmm.... wonder if spring light and warmth will turn her around?

  5. That science writing looks pretty meaty so I can't find what is missing :)
    Have a great weekend.

  6. I am intrigued by the novel...
    and the salad full of avacado.

  7. Aw, that little fluffy gal looks too cute to eat! (Spoken by a girl who can't bear to slaughter her pet hens.;-))

  8. please post the recipe for that delicious looking avocado salad!!

  9. all I can say is get her off your books cause the poo is way stinky. ; )
    Yay! Chickens! I love having our own chickens, though we don't do them for meat- just for eggs. We have duckies too. Would be interesting to do the meat thing. Then I could start eating chicken again. ; )

  10. I would like to pass on to you the Versatile Blogger Award if you are interested...see my post

  11. This is bizarre: I swear I have that exact same copy of The Iliad, the same exact versions of Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little, AND that box set of the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings. If you had the box set for Chronicles of Narnia, I'd be wondering who let a chick loose on my bookshelves.
