
1968 Was Also a Leap Year

Leap Day

I seem to have lost my writing voice. I realized it was missing the other day as I walked home from running a timed mile at the high school track. I can't tell you the last time I ran a mile. A solid mile. Not the run, walk, run, walk kind of mile I've been running since high school, but a constant run, no stopping until I'm done, I am a strong and capable woman kind of mile. A nose running, ears burning, heavy breathing, slightly drooling kind of mile.

My mind was noticeably quiet on the walk home, and it occurred to me that my mind has been quiet for a while now. My thoughts used to take shape in the form of words, sentences, paragraphs, blog posts, but not anymore. Or at least not right now. The running didn't quiet my thoughts, but rather my quiet thoughts allowed me to run.

The old me would have considered all the other things I could have done besides running a mile. The old me would have considered stopping after two laps and multiplying my time by two to determine my speed. The old me would have wondered why it was so important to time my mile anyways.

The new me laces up my shoes, fills up my water bottle, pushes start on my stopwatch, and runs. The new me looks forward to doing it again and again, shaving seconds, maybe even minutes off my mile. The new me enjoys this quiet mind, this active body.

The old me would have thought of a clever way to end this post, but the new me is at a loss for words and would rather go for a quiet run. What better way to spend this extra day than to run a mile in the rain. Happy Leap Day.

Edited to add: The rain let up and I shaved a minute off my mile.


  1. I've been running to quiet my mind. It works, until we get a big snowstorm and it gets in my way. I enjoyed the post. It made me think. Thank you.

  2. I've lost my writing voice too...way to shave off the minute from your mile! Want to build up to a half marathon and run it with me in Missouri at the end of April? :)
    I chose to spend my leap day morning at an hour and a half hot yoga session. It was entirely incredible.

  3. This made me smile Molly! You run girl!!!

  4. I lost my writing voice too - so much so that I deleted my blog but what I found is so much better.

  5. yeah for shaving off time.
    you just gotta do what you gotta do.

    do you have any good wheat free banana bread/ muffin recommendations.
    mine was an epic fail....

  6. Surely there are blogging runners out there?

  7. perhaps your writing voice is off on holiday with mine?

  8. Sounds like a good break, your writing voice may come back, just with different things to say, a different point of view perhaps. Good job on the mile! I get that ear burning feeling too.

  9. Interesting post!
    I like the 1968 towel calendar. I graduated high school May 24th, if I remember correctly!
    Have a blessed day!

  10. Wow I was only three years old in October of 1968 LOL!
