
If Gap Had A Home Store


I bought this sweater at the Gap Outlet Store when Avery was a baby,


and over the weekend turned it into a pillow for her room.

Now I know what to do with some of the old sweaters accumulating in the back of my closet.


  1. I love it! It's absolutely adorable, as both a sweater and a pillow!

  2. AnonymousMay 13, 2008

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. AnonymousMay 13, 2008

    So cute! I always wanted to make my kids quilts out of the outfits they wore that were my favorites. At the time I didn't have the heart to cut them up. Now I have too many projects going. I think I'll wait until they have kids and make them at that time.

  4. That is SO awesome :)

  5. That's awesome! I love the piping on the side - you are talented!

  6. okay, girl, awesome.

    and i love that header, by the way.

  7. You are such a genius repurposer...fantasticly cute!

    P.S. I am loving the new banner.Is that pea pod from your garden by chance?

  8. I love the button details! it looks great.
    And I really like your new banner. that font is killer! what is it?

  9. Your new banner is visually and gastronomically YUMMY!
    This evening we ate a stir fry full of snow peas from our garden that were just that same shiny shade of green! DELICIOUS

  10. We had that sweater! Look at that I say we. My daughter had that sweater. She wore it for years because I rolled up the sleeves seven times two years before she reached the right size. I wish I had thought the make a pillow out of it. It looks lovely.

  11. Very cute, Molly. And if Gap had a home store, we would all be in trouble! Or maybe you would have a new job ;)

  12. great idea!!!
    i have a super duper fantastic orange+light blue gap sweater, that i accidentally felted, laying on my shelf waiting for the perfect project....i think this is it!!!

  13. AnonymousMay 14, 2008

    What a great way to use an old favorite =)

  14. I love the stripes. That is one of my favorite uses of an old or felted sweater (and its one of the few things I can sew).

  15. wow! super idea. hmmmm, i'm off to raid my daughter's closets.

  16. Beautiful. I just repurposed a baby shirt of Benen's that I have not been able to let go of (though less decoratively - made a clothespin holder). Did you use a pillow form in this?
    also- banner=happy

  17. AnonymousMay 15, 2008

    that is such a great idea!!

  18. I think it's time for me to tear up some old clothes, too. A braided rug, maybe? Pin cushions? Hmmm ...

  19. great photos and idea!

  20. This looks perfect for snuggling. I've just wondered my way here from somewhere - lovely blog, I'll definitely be back!


Sewing Crafts


email: mollydunham@sbcglobal.net
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