
hello new year


the long weekend is over.
the dishes are done.
the sun is out.
i'm ready for you, new year.
i have no idea what we have in store for one another,
but i'm ready to keep track of you.

i've been drooling over calendars i've spied all over blogland, but decided to go handmade this year.


handmade and low tech. very me.

there are easy to use, online templates for making your own calendar, but if you're low tech like me, you could spend a rainy afternoon and make your own template out of recycled materials. i knew there was a good reason i saved all those plastic spinach containers from costco.

diy calendar template

i laid out a calendar template on graph paper, placed the clear plastic lid over the graph paper calendar, and cut out all those tiny squares with an exacto knife.

i cut a short stack of card stock in half and got busy sketching. my theme for this year's calendar: low-tech items which make my life better. so far i've got a canning jar, an iron, and a bottle cap. where would i be without the bottle cap? my sketchpad is filling up with ideas for the other nine months. but really, i'm in no rush. i've got all year.


  1. I love this. Love. I wish I were better at drawing.

    miss you - we need to catch up one of these days.

  2. Amazing!!! I think this weekend I'll spend template-making.

  3. Love your calendar!!! Perfect. Books are low tech items that make my life better.

  4. Love your calendar! You're inspiring me to make my own calendar this year. Should get going on that before too much of January is gone.

  5. Love the calendar idea - so creative!

  6. Love it. I took the 2010 calendar down and wondered what I would hang to replace it. I love your idea, but I fear my drawings would in no way resemble anything!

  7. Such a nice, simple idea; I may have to give it a go!

  8. Simple, beautiful calendar. I do admire you cutting out all those little squares with an exacto knife.

  9. Love it... I am a fan of canning jars, esp. the blue ones.

  10. You are so creative -- taking the simplest of materials and voila a stunning calendar in it's simplicity. I hope you will share each month with us. My low tech ideas: the clothespin and corkscrew.

  11. i would buy one. that jar drawing is so simple and lovely.

  12. you clever !

    and i'll probably rush to do the dishes with a black countertop like yours....

  13. well done. i love that! :::

  14. LOVE the mason jar January! And your idea for the template...hoping you have a wonderfully creative, simple, and peaceful beginning of the new year.


  15. This is the best idea! I love it.
    I don't know how I missed it.

  16. Yeah! This is awesome. I just made my own calendar, too... but it stunk so I ended up creating another in iPhoto. But Duh! A template! Now you're inspiring me to give it another try... can never have too many calendars.

  17. great idea! love the simplicity.

    Happy new year :)

  18. you. you are so very clever. motivated. sweet.

  19. Okay, I think this is the best idea I've seen for a calendar.

  20. Fantastic! Have you considered selling these? Your drawings are wonderful!

  21. Perfection.


Sewing Crafts


email: mollydunham@sbcglobal.net
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