
Chicken Avocado Salad

My kids think I'm crazy because I drove 60 miles today to buy popsicle sticks.  But I just ate a homemade watermelon-lime-mint ice pop, and let me tell you, the sticks were worth the drive.  Who knew popsicle sticks would be so difficult to source locally?  Craft sticks abound, but they don't fit my mold, and I doubt they're food safe.  (In case you're in the greater Sacramento area, you can find popsicles sticks and a very cool mold at East Bay Restaurant Supply.)

My Crossfit gym, aka home away from home, is hosting a Paleo Potluck tomorrow, and I'm freezing  several batches of ice pops because it's going to be hot, and we're planning on doing three WODs in between stuffing our faces with cave food and watching the televised Crossfit Games.  Could it get more fun than this?

I'm also whipping up a batch of my new favorite recipe: Chicken Avocado Salad.  I make it several times a week for lunch, and when I recently made it for dinner, Aidan went back for thirds.  It's that good, and it's a perfect balance of macronutrients: chicken (protein), avocado (fat), and onions and cucumbers (carbs).  I hope it will be a hit at the gym, but if not, then more for me!

chicken avocado salad

Chicken Avocado Salad
(adjust quantity of ingredients as you see fit)

Grilled chicken breasts
Avocados (I recommend 1 avocado per pound of chicken)
Red onion
Lime juice, to taste
Salt and Pepper, to taste

Dice chicken, avocados, red onions, and cucumbers.  Chop cilantro.   Mix with lime juice, salt, and pepper in a large bowl.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.  Serve in lettuce wraps.  Or, stand in front of the refrigerator and eat salad directly out of the bowl.  It's good for you.


  1. I will be making this - I have all the ingredients on hand - can someone say lunch for me next week!

  2. Been making ice pops here, altho. they may not fit with your food plan.
    They are yummy..coconut milk, strawberries, blueberries, and crunched up very dark chocolate..just a bit.
    So good on hot evenings after dinner.

  3. oh so tasty looking. i am going to try this tomorrow...i have chicken waiting.

  4. I am making the chicken salad tonight for dinner! Great meal for Florida weather. The popsicles sound wonderful! Would you mind sharing the recipe?

  5. Hi, Molly! I've been quietly reading along here for a few years. I love your enthusiasm for your new diet and exercise, and I just had to add that my brother owns a Crossfit affiliate in Chattanooga, TN, so I love all the Crossfit love you're sending out!

  6. this salad will be made this weekend.

  7. Hi Molly - I wanted to let you know that I started eating Paleo (for about 10 ten days now) and I wanted to thank you for the inspiration. It's been so interesting to find that I'm satisfied in a different way - and for longer. I am hoping I can stick to it and it just becomes a way of life...and I finally kick my sugar habit. One question I have for you, does it become more difficult in the winter? Do you do anything in the summer to prepare? (ie. canning or freezing?)

    1. Hi Stephanie!

      I'm so excited to hear you're giving Paleo a try! Isn't it amazing how you can feel a difference in such a short period of time? The sugar habit is a hard one to kick, but once you do, you'll likely be surprised by the change in your taste for sweet things. Sweet stuff is a complete turn-off to me now.

      Good question about winter eating. Last winter was my first winter eating Paleo, and I loved all the hearty, meaty, warm, comfort food - food that sticks to your ribs and leaves you feeling satisfied longer. We live in a temperate climate, so we have access to fruits and veggies growing locally year round, but depending on your region, finding fresh foods in winter might be more difficult. I plan on freezing lots of blackberries this summer, and stocking up on walnuts come fall. I'd also like to figure out cold storage for winter squash. As soon as my tomatoes turn red, I'll be canning simple tomato sauce. We'll likely buy another half cow come November, which will last us until it's cow season again next spring. I also look forward to planting lots of greens and root vegetables this fall so we can pick all through winter and early spring.

      I find the Paleo diet/lifestyle works quite well with my goal of eating local and in season, and as much as I'm enjoying fresh, raw summer produce right now, I'm looking forward to hot soups, stews, and braised anything come winter.

  8. would love your recipe for the watermelon, lime mint ice pops too! :)

  9. De-lurking to say thank you for this recipe. I made it last night and my 11-year-old daughter who "hates chicken", loved it and even thanked me! :)

  10. ^ Sorry - Blogger hates me for some reason. My name is Kelly.

    1. Hi Kelly! I'm so thrilled to hear the salad was a hit. Getting thumbs up from an 11 year old is a very good thing :)

  11. Yum! I am so hungry for avocados all of the time lately. I have been even making avocado toast for breakfast! (Toast a piece of whole grain bread, smush some avocado on top, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. So good!) I will make this today! I also had the same popsicle stick problem. I had to drive all over to find them!

  12. I noticed that you have Jicama in one of your recipes. I am afraid to try it. Could you describe what it tastes like? Thanks

    1. try the jicama! it is very mild in flavor, slightly sweet, and crisp. something about the texture reminds me of celery (water content, perhaps?), but without the stringiness. just peel the rough outer later, slice the crisp, white interior, and enjoy. jicama is great on its own, or shredded in a salad, or used in place of crackers or chips. i've served sliced jicama with baba ganoush and guacamole this summer, much to my friend's and family's delight!
