
Long Time, No See (and Coconut Mango Ice Cream)

Today has been full of surprises:

Two 173 pound dead lifts
A phone interview with our local paper about my Paleo diet
A blog post!

I have no good reason for disappearing from this space for 36 days, other than . . .

I Heart CrossFit

Healing busted callouses from 6 days a week of CrossFit workouts (yes, I'm addicted, and I've been cut off from pull ups for the next week).


Watching my husband break in his new fly rod (on a recent fishing trip, I actually saw a bald eagle!).

my mother's day card

Impressing my children with my massive muscles (in reality, my calves are much more symmetrical and much less scary).

tequila spritzer and double unders

Drinking tequila spritzers with homegrown berries while learning to do double unders.


Spending as much time outside as possible, which is easy to do while watering the garden and pulling weeds, trail running and hiking, watching baseball games and synchronized swimming meets, lounging on the hammock and reading.

But despite all this activity, two of my body parts are not being exercised nearly enough: my writing voice and my shutter finger.  I'm going to work on that, along with my ring dips, overhead squats, and handstand pushups.

Here's a little treat to reward you for coming back to see me despite my long absence:

coconut mango "ice cream"

Coconut Mango "Ice Cream"

1 cup frozen mango chunks
1/2 cup full fat coconut milk

Mix ingredients in blender until smooth.

Serves one hungry mama.


  1. Go Molly! I'm trying to convince my mom to start cross training with me. :)

    Trainer hill, Stevens Trail, & Cardiac Hill are my regular trail running spots. Where do you go?

    1. just ran training hill for the first time - loved it! going up is no joke, but running down hill rocks! we have lots of little trails from our hood down to the western states trail (speaking of which, western states is coming up soon!). i'd love to run cardiac hill with you sometime! give me a call when you come up.

  2. AnonymousJune 07, 2012

    The coconut mango ice cream sounds delicious. I'm definitely going to try it. Thanks for posting it!

  3. Most excellent icecream...thank you!

  4. welcome back! that drawing makes me so curious. ;)

    i wanted "tequila spritzer" to be a link.

    1. tequila spritzer: 1 part tequila, 3-4 parts san pellegrino, squirt of lime. that's it! i've been craving margaritas, but when i had one (ok, two), it was sickeningly sweet. so i concocted the spritzer and all was right with the world. the berries were an afterthought (because i thought they'd make a pretty picture and they taste even better after soaking in cold booze).

      aidan's picture is scary, isn't it? i swear i don't look like that. yet. haha.

  5. Hey! Welcome back! Love the pictures :) You are right, you don't look like the drawing just need a few symmetry adjustments :P Seriously I'm jealous :p

    Are Tequila spritzers the secret ingredient to those double unders?

    1. i swear i'm going to bring a bottle of tequila to the gym one of these mornings. we should experiment :)

    2. Haha I'm game!


      Shot of Teguila

      50 double unders

      Shot of Tequila

      100 Double unders

      3 rounds for time!...andddd a walk home. :P

  6. That is quite a rendering, Molly. Love it. And those callouses are to be envied. Fantastic job, but do know you are missed. (And I noticed the header right off)

  7. holy fitness batman!! you are amazing!! you have found your fitness niche!

  8. I love ALL of your pictures. The ice cream recipe sounds divine.

  9. Oh I love Mango and coconut milk. This looks so delicious that I am going to have to make this like now!!
