
"There are angels in your angles."

As much as I'd love to wax poetic about the arrival of spring and share pictures of mating bugs and blooming buds, I have a headache. Went to bed with it, woke up with it, can't shake it. I'd like to blame the bag of dark chocolate covered almonds I ate yesterday, but stress eating and the ensuing headache are symptoms of a larger issue. Both are a reaction to the stress of my absolute powerlessness to help a friend in crisis.

So I took some ibuprofen, climbed into bed, and put a pillow over my head. I imagined possible conversations I could have with my friend, and positive words I could focus on, when the following question hit me: "What is your power?"

We've discussed weaknesses and limitations until we're nearly broken. We've talked endlessly about the problem and potential solutions, but what about power? What is his power? How can he exercise it?

But ultimately, the question was intended for me. What is my power? What can I do? Am I exercising my power by crawling into bed in the middle day?

This morning on Fresh Air, Dave Davies spoke with Jonah Lehrer about one of my favorite topics, creativity. (Their discussion was a great follow up to the TED talk I watched last night: Elizabeth Gilbert on nurturing creativity.) Creativity is an excellent problem solving tool, as expressed in the following example from Lehrer's book, Imagine: two groups are asked to come up with imaginative ideas. The first group is instructed to pretend they are seven year olds, the second group is not. The first group comes up with more and better ideas.

Would a seven year old under stress willingly climb into bed before bedtime? Heck no! They would jump on the bed and bounce off the walls. I've seen it a million times. So even though I want a new bed, instead of jumping on it, I got out of it, turned on my favorite Pandora station (oh, how I love the Decemberists), picked up my heaviest kettle ball, and started swinging.

For a few beautiful moments, my head was filled with musical word play and the throbbing subsided. The muscles in my thighs and arms worked in concert, rhythmically returning me to my center of gravity with each swing and squat. There were angels in my angles as I exorcised the demon in the details.

And then I made my favorite power smoothie:


Carrot, Orange and Ginger Smoothie

1 large carrot
1 orange, peeled
1 square inch of ginger
1 cup of water

Blend well. Drink. I swear this drink keeps me healthy and sane (most of the time).

carrot, orange, ginger smoothie

Spring has arrived with all her creative power. I'm going to pretend like I'm a seven year old and enjoy it. Hopefully I can convince my friend to do the same.


  1. I, too, adore The Decemberists. Though sometimes I find Flogging Molly to be the key to "letting it all out."

  2. Thank you for sharing your inspiring approach to overwhelm! (The smoothie sounds great, too.)

  3. I guess I'll crawl out of bed and google the Decemberists

  4. Sorry to hear about your friend's crisis. I'm right there with you and the Decemberists. Speaking of your power, please keep posting on the Paleo Diet. After receiving some unhappy news from the doctor, this is just what I need. Your shake will be the first thing I make in the morning ~ thanks for sharing.

  5. I'm glad to hear the inner 7 year old prevailed. I too listened to that interview on Fresh Air and had a sense of awe and wonder all day. Will tune in TED later today. thanks

  6. ugh. the computer crashed as i hit publish on my comment.
    the gist was:
    i made the drink
    i'm going outside with my speed rope as soon as i finish this
    i need to schedule me some molly time
    i just adore you and while i holed myself up this morning i promised it was restorative and not hiding. there are angels...

  7. I'm on a health diet and THIS I'm going to try! Molly, I haven't looked at your blog in ages, but I'll have to keep up again when I get a chance. I really wanted to find you and just tell you, just because I think you would like to know, that you were the first person to inspire me in photography and I've just started my own business of birth and newborn photography! It's doing very well and I'm enjoying it so much! I'm not sure you'll be able to place me but I sent an old book once. The Melting of Molly, and we've exchanged a few emails. And my name is Molly too! (That's actually just a nick name.) But I answer to it as well as Whitney Rhea. :) Ha! I always wanted to be a Molly though. :)


  8. will try it!! I love mine with spinach, peaches, mango, banana, ice and water, yum!

  9. More awesomeness from you Molly!!!!!!!!
    Thank you.

  10. I am only now learning at 39, that I am not powerless. I have a voice. I can ask for what I need. I can and must ask for what I need. I must set boundaries. No one else will do it for me. And in that place, I can pray for those who hurt me. I can love those who hurt me. I am free to find healing from those who have hurt me. But, it takes time.

    He is able. I am able through Him. May God guide your friend and you, in finding health and joy in each new day.

    May you swing in the tree tops this spring and yes, act like a seven year old: having a good cry when you need, playing when you need to, eating when you need to and sleeping when you need to and oh, singing with a smoothie :-)

  11. I love carrot and ginger together. The combination just gives my head clarity and I feel a little bit more refreshed. I will have to try this combo soon!

  12. I'm on a wellness eating plan and THIS I'm going to try! Molly, I haven't checked out your site in age groups, but I'll have to keep up again when I get a opportunity. I really desired to discover you and just tell you, just because I think you would like to know, that you were the first individual to motivate me in digital cameras and I've just began my own company of beginning and baby photography! It's doing very well and I'm experiencing it so much! I'm not sure you'll be able to position me but I sent an old publication once. The Shedding of Molly, and we've traded a few messages.
