
If not berries and bread,

berries and bugs

How about berries and bugs?

Every summer, we watch the cicadas molt in our backyard. I remember the first one we saw, six summers ago, clinging to the wheel of Aidan's tricycle, shedding its baby skin, shaking out its brand new, still wet wings. That was the summer the kids learned the word "exoskeleton". Nothing like two and four year olds saying "exoskeleton".

Today I noticed several exoskeletons dotting the fence, and soon I expect to hear the call of cicadas. All I can hear right now is the patter of an unexpected summer rain storm. The smell wafting through the open windows is intoxicating. Nothing like the smell of warm, wet earth.

It's time for me to take my book out to the back porch, breathe deeply, ignore the rain soaked laundry which I hung to dry this morning, and settle into a story. The kids are hoping to hear peals of thunder, signaling the cancellation of synchronized swimming practice tonight. Can't say I'd mind that either.

I just finished reading A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness this morning. Run, don't walk, to your local library and borrow a copy. I enjoyed every single page of it, and it took me only three days to read its 579 pages, a stark contrast to the three weeks it took me to finally finish reading Frankenstein. Not that I didn't enjoy Frankenstein, it's just that 19th century English is so painfully wordy (but as Aidan informed me, all books are wordy; they're full of words!). After following poor, doomed Dr. Frankenstein and his lonely, despicable creature around Europe for so long, my brain thoroughly enjoyed an escape into a 21st century tale full of vampires, witches, colleges, and castles. I couldn't wait to finish it, but I didn't want it to end. Now I'm patiently waiting for its sequel, publication date unknown. Love in the Time of Cholera will help me pass the time. Nothing like an epic romance on a rainy afternoon in June.

As for the crocheted strawberries giveaway, the Random Number Generator was kind enough to select Carrie of Rhubarb Sky! Congratulations Carrie! And a big thank you to all who commented and shared your encouraging words of support and agreement. Nothing like friends, near and abroad, who take time out of their day to write nice things on your blog.


  1. AnonymousJune 28, 2011

    Love in the Time of Cholera is my favorite book! I also am reading A Discovery of Witches which I really like. If you like that type of book I highly recommend The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova, it's really good!

  2. Hooray! Hooray!!!!! Thanks. I can't wait!

  3. Yay for book recommendations -- thank you. And if you haven't read Blood, Bones and Butter I highly recommend it:


    Oh, yes, and also Cutting for Stone. One of my favorites!


  4. Ooooh. Reserving that book at my library - can't wait! (:

  5. I love book recommendation. I just read the Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks and am now reading Unbroken. I will add yours to my list. PS - I also am amazed by cicadas.

  6. I am loving your photo of the cicada! I remember always finding their shell stuck to tree trunks when I was a child. We were always thrilled to find one. Every once in a while, my kids will find one too and they equally think it cool. I too have been enjoying summer reading! I have recently read a book by Louisa May Alcott called A Long Fatal Love Chase. I loved it!!! I have also just finished reading a true story called, How Starbucks Saved My Life by Michael Gates Gill...it was very good!! I reccomend both of those books...I flew through them!!

  7. A good books just oozes of summer i think anyways, thanks for the suggestions.

  8. AnonymousJune 28, 2011

    Love this post! We had hoped to have the 17 year periodical cicada near us but they didn't arrive - they were south of us. Our 10 year old son loves insects and collects them all over our neighborhood. Your precious children might still be a little young, but I highly recommend Margaret J. Anderson's book Children of Summer: Henri Fabre's Insects. Can't explain how much we love that book. I am a passionate supporter of the library and just started a blog with the hopes of encouraging others to visit their local library and see it as a place of beauty. Hope you will drop by and tell me what you think. Michele

  9. Oh. Another book recommendation for the summer list! Thanks.

  10. I have about 40 pages left of 'A Discovery of Witches' - I had to finally put it down last night around 12:45am.

    What a fun read! The sequel is supposed to be out in 2012 (let's hope that's not DECEMBER 2012)... In the meantime I have 'The Dirty Life' waiting for me. And hopefully there will be some other good book suggestions in the comments list!

  11. Synchronized swimming? That is really cool! I enjoyed Love In The Time of Cholera very, very much and I hope you do too.

  12. AnonymousJune 29, 2011

    Thank you for visiting, Molly! Sorry to hear your local library doesn't have the book. Amazon carries it - sometimes the hardbacks are pricey but if you put it on your list they notify when the price goes down. It is a keeper. xoxo michele

  13. I've reserved a copy of your recommendation. I just started reading The Reading Promise: My Father and the Books We Shared.

    I always enjoy hearing what others are reading.

  14. AnonymousJune 29, 2011

    When I searched Amazon for this book I found two by the same title...is it by Deborah Harkness or Matthew Hopkins?

  15. oops! I forgot to link the book. It's the one by Deborah Harkness.

  16. Discovery of Witches has been on my to read list for a while now - must move it up the list!

  17. thanks for the book recommendation - i'm about a third of the way through anna karenina and will want a page-turner when i am finished!

  18. I love hearing what others are reading. Thanks for the recommendation, Molly. At the moment, I am reading the third book in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy but am eagerly looking forward to reading the fourth book in the Outlander series. I seem to be into series lately.

  19. we heard our fist cicada buzzing just yesterday and took note of it. Right after that? a good summer rainstorm and yes--that intoxicating smell. If you enjoy Love in the time of Cholera like I did, I would highly recommend 100 Years of Solitude next.


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email: mollydunham@sbcglobal.net
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