
Build a Fort

Do you remember the scene in the movie, "The Holiday", when Jude Law's daughters show Cameron Diaz their room - and it's one giant fort made out of quilts, blankets and pillows, complete with strings of white Christmas lights? I adore that scene.

Yesterday when Avery asked me to help build a fort, I gave it my best shot and tried to create a little magic of our own in the middle of the family room. It's really a shame I couldn't have invited Jude Law over to give me a hand, but I think we managed OK without him.

build a fort

It took a few sheets, clothespins, wooden clips, bungee cords, a little imagination and a whole lot of patience, but in the end, Avery gave me a hug and said it was the best fort ever.

build a fort

Another perfect and completely free summer activity.


  1. AnonymousJuly 21, 2009

    sometimes our whole upstairs is one big fort.

    obviously, we are fort fans.

  2. AnonymousJuly 21, 2009

    fort fans - that sounds funny

  3. Well, I would have said the same thing (and would have hugged you too ! LOL) Building forts are such a cozy activity, no matter the seasons ... winter forst are to die for when it's cold outside, aren't they ?!
    Have a great middle of the week, Molly ! oxoxox

  4. We make forts (and often pirate ships as well) in our living room frequently. I have a beautiful sea grass basket that is filled to the brim with sheets & blankets for just such an occasion. The only down size is that forts are much easier to get into & out of when you are 3 feet tall... :-)

  5. I have such good memories of making forts as a youngster and I look forward to making them with my daughter.

    I tune into your blog every once in awhile and today's post brought back wonderful memories. Thanks :)

  6. Ahhh huge fort fans over here too!
    Oh, and yes Jude Law would have made a lovely fort building companion hehe ; )

  7. geez, I think it's a shame jude law couldn't give me a hand dooing just about anything. ;)


  8. AnonymousJuly 21, 2009

    Oh yes, I love that scene! I want that room, and I want to be a little girl again for just a bit to enjoy it. Your fort is lovely, too!

  9. That's my favorite scene from my favorite movie. I think I might watch it again soon.

  10. You have pretty fort sheets.

    Forts were the theme of my childhood, whether they were blanket forts, tree forts, snow forts...

  11. That was a great fort.......

  12. on the day that i pulled finn out of kindergarten, we celebrated by making a fort in the living room and sleeping in it. Forts forever! (maybe not forever, our living room is TINY and we can't walk around them!) Your house looks so cozy.

  13. My husband has come home to a different color fort every day for a week. So delighted to see your post!

    Happy fort making!

  14. AnonymousJuly 22, 2009

    Man, that was my favorite thing to do when I was little.

  15. Did they sleep in it last night?

  16. AnonymousJuly 22, 2009

    I remember as a kid, my heart fluttering at the mention of a refridgerator box.

  17. yes tent fun is in the air :o) Love the tent you built...it looks like a fun place to explore for sure :o)


  18. Oh, I loved building forts from sheets as a kid! Great inside activity for hot days.

  19. Oh oh oh, great memories coming back. Thanks for that!

  20. I love that scene too!! All you need now is a few twinkle lights.. Three cheers for forts!!

  21. love that scene and i love your fort!! :^)

  22. AnonymousJuly 23, 2009

    I love that movie. hmmmm... I love Jude Law!

  23. Molly, you should get hired by the local library or farmers market to make their blog as beautiful and interesting and whimsical as this....you know one day.


Sewing Crafts


email: mollydunham@sbcglobal.net
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