
Take Me To The River

Last night, too hot and tired to cook, we picked up Chinese takeout and headed down to the river. It was an event worth repeating. We might have a new Sunday night ritual.

on the edge

rocky shore


On second thought, I might not be able to wait until Sunday. See you at the river.


  1. nice idea.
    it would occupy my mind all week!

  2. I'd love to float downstream and join you! Your evening sounds lovely.

  3. Amazing pictures, Molly. I love the new header, your shoes, smooth rocks, rivers in general, and Sunday nights.
    Take care!

  4. I love being near flowing water. Something very healing and rejuvenating about it. Your new ritual sound heavenly to me. :)


  5. Sounds perfect. Beautiful photos.

  6. I LOVE going to the river, one of my favorite things! Beautiful pictures. Your comment about making spaghetti was funny. Thanks so much for the finger knitting link. I know my little girl will enjoy it.

  7. AnonymousMay 18, 2009

    oh, that list picture is incredible.

    I can't help but think of that silly fish though that my dad got a few years back as a joke, when you press the button it sings, "take me to the river" and the fish does this weird flappy thing. annoying but yet somewhat funny.

  8. your shoes look comfy! we love going to visit our river, too - I think we'll have a picnic lunch there tomorrow ;)

  9. AnonymousMay 18, 2009

    especially in this hot weather, that sounds wonderful! great idea! I am looking forward to lots of river time with school being out soon!

  10. Drop me in the water...

  11. Love your new blog header! I'd love to be near water!! Sounds like a most perfect evening..

  12. AnonymousMay 19, 2009

    Wow, that sounds like the best thing right now. I love food, and cooking, but I've been stretched thin lately, and haven't been in the mood. Take out by the river sounds so good.

  13. I love the picture with the ladybug!

  14. My goodness... I adore collecting rocks from beaches and riverbeds. We are very lucky to live where we do... one a peninsula that juts out into the puget sound, surrounding our town on three sides... the rock selection is truly lovely.

  15. That sounds lovely! Summer is obviously happening for you!Don't wait for next Sunday! We like to bring dinner down to our lake on hot summer nights, too.

  16. looks like plenty of rocks to keep your crochet needle busy!

  17. gorgeous. love the soft silvery grays, and those stripey rocks!

  18. I have been reading your blog for a while, but I have never commented. I love your photographs! Chinese takeout by the river sounds fabulous.

  19. Oh I would love to join you!~

    Lovely new header and I am really digging the font. Would you share the name. I am a huge fan!

    Also - I saw kumquats today at the farmer's market and I caved - $4 and I got carmel corn. I usually try to hold us to one treat per visit. Adam was with me - his fault right?

    The kumquats are pretty good - not like they were but still kinda worth it. Next splurge will be apricots - ooohhh love apricots and we're getting close!

  20. You take such beautiful photos, Molly.

  21. Sounds and looks perfectly wonderful.

    (Honestly... I'm re-living my childhood through your blog...my family had a picnic spot on the river where we had dinner most nights in summer).

  22. this sounds so nice. on our warm evenings i think we shall copy you and ride bikes to the nearby rocky beach on the willamette for picnic dinner, birdsong, and rock skipping. thanks for the reminder!

  23. oh! this is lovely! how nice to have a river to go to. the pictures are so pretty. thank you for sharing!

  24. gorgeous .. i can’t even get into a summer frame of mind, though i know it’s just around the corner .. still very cool here!

  25. Beautiful, beautiful pictures! *sigh*
    so happy to have found your blog!! : )

  26. What did you decide about school next year? I related to having one in school, one at home. We have 3 kids, just decided to home school all 3 next year. By the way, nice to meet you. Love your photos.

    Theresa from Hawaii

  27. oh the simple things of life. lovely, really

  28. Those photos are amazing!

    Chinese and picnic at the river. Sounds perfect and wonderful.


Sewing Crafts


email: mollydunham@sbcglobal.net
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