
Let's Call It Mexican Pesto

mexican pesto

I consider myself very fortunate to be married to a man who loves my cooking. I consider him a very lucky man to have a wife that loves to cook. He often calls my food "crack", because apparently my food is addictive. Well, the sauce I made last weekend took home the crack cake. George declared it The Best Thing I've Ever Made. Now I consider that quite the compliment, and just so I don't forget how I made it, I've decided to document the recipe here.

It's technically a cilantro and pepita sauce, but we call it Mexican Pesto.

Mexican Pesto

1/2 cup pepitas
1 cup cilantro
2 cloves garlic
1/2 t salt
2 Tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon lime juice

Toast pepitas in a skillet over medium heat until they start to turn golden brown. In food processor, combine toasted pepitas, cilantro, garlic and salt. Blend until finely chopped. Add lime juice and drizzle in olive oil. Pulse until blended.

I served it the first time with quinoa and spicy lentils, and made it again last night to top our chicken and veggie fajitas, served on homemade corn tortillas (that's another post). The sauce would be delicious mixed with a chopped salad, or maybe as a dollop on squash soup. Let me know if you come up with any other serving suggestions.

Hope you all have a saucy weekend!


  1. Molly, I've got to make this!! My fave flavors! Love that photo of you in your apron with your "crack"!

  2. My husband calls "Blogger" my "crack."

    Anytime he sees me going to the laptop he says something sarcastic about "me and my crack pipe."


  3. Stop! You're making my stomach crazy. I need one of those fajitas right away.
    Thanks so much for this recipe, I know we will love it around here.
    Tell us more someday about the homemade tortillas, ok?
    Enjoy the weekend! Tara

  4. I'm going to have to give that a try ... perhaps fajitas this weekend!

  5. Yummmmm!! Oh, I am copying this down right now. My mouth is watering. Now, if a blog post can make your very mouth water... that is a very good sign...

  6. AnonymousJune 12, 2009

    yummy yummy yummy

  7. you must have found yourself a tortilla press! yay! i need more masa and some cilantro, then i'm making this too!!!

  8. sounds delish'! (or delicious... i can't decide if i like that particular contraction.) you and your man are a lucky pair indeed. i'm looking forward to the homemade tortilla post and pictures. off to mow... -reb.

  9. oooh, never thought to use it with lentils. i make something similar and we use it on fish. sooo good! thank you for the reminder! looking forward to your corn tortilla post...

  10. I love your photo!
    Mmm... crack-a-licious!
    No, really though you 'crack' me up ; )
    This sounds fabulous, lots of cilantro growing in the garden right now, I may have to try this one!

  11. Yeah, I'd have to cal lthat crackalicious, too. The pepitas--doi, But I never would have thought of it. Brilliant.

  12. Pizza was on our menu for tonight, and when I saw this, I decided it was going to be black bean pizza with Mexico pesto. Yummmmm! Thank you for sharing this, and at the perfect moment in time!

  13. AnonymousJune 12, 2009

    your food matches your apron!

  14. You are lucky! The picture is beautiful.

  15. food crack! ha!
    kevin always called my breast milk "boobie crack" because the kids were hooked! :)

  16. Yum! This looks delish! I am a big fan of cilantro and will definitely give this a try.

  17. That looks great. My cilantro is really starting to bust out and I have at least 3 lbs. of pumpkin seeds in my refrigerator :).

  18. adding pepitas to the grocery list now!

  19. Yum! I'm going to try this, even though my husband dislikes cilantro and my kids aren't nearly as enamored of my cooking ... so maybe just I will enjoy it!

  20. molly, can I ask you what camera you use. your photos have a lovely depth to them, particularly those from the 'sense of wonder' post.

  21. MMMM. Looks delicious!

  22. thank you all!

    emma - i have a canon rebel xti

  23. Looks yummy, but what are pepitas?

  24. wesley jeanne - pepitas are little green pumpkin seeds. i buy them in bulk at whole foods.

  25. yum, what a great idea!

  26. AnonymousJune 16, 2009

    Sounds good! I like to make pesto with alternative building blocks. Thai basil with peanut butter is pretty good.

    But wait. Homemade corn tortillas?!

  27. Sounds delicious...I may have to try out this recipe next week, yummmmmy!


Sewing Crafts


email: mollydunham@sbcglobal.net
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