
Still Sick

lego dog

As a dog.


Down for the count.


Can't wait to get back on my feet.


Life is certainly uncertain. I'll be back eventually.


  1. Oh dear! Get better soon. Sending healthy thoughts your way.

  2. ikes, i hope you feel better asap, the rest of the dunham clan needs you i am sure. great pic of george!

  3. oh no... feel better soon...!

  4. oh. what a drag. sorry to hear you are *still* under the weather!

    hoping you are up and at it again soon!

    ps. the girls are riding their bikes all over camp now saying how easy it is on all the hills. i think your children inspired them. :)

  5. AnonymousMay 06, 2008

    aw. sorry you're still sick. thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way!

  6. We have pox too. It is fun to be sick together in the virtual world. No.

  7. AnonymousMay 07, 2008

    Hi Molly,
    I just wanted to let you know that I linked to your word play letters today on The Crafty Crow. I couldn't find your email but if you get in touch with me I have a button for you too. Thanks so much for such a wonderful blog and all your great ideas! Hope you are feeling better soon :)
    take care,

  8. AnonymousMay 07, 2008

    Hope you are back to jumping up high soon, too!

  9. hope you are on the mend soon, friend.

  10. Oh No...
    Can you feel the virtual hug I just sent you? If I could I would bring you a pot of soup and some fresh bread.
    Feel Better friend!!!

  11. That's no fun...hope u feel better SOON!

  12. Poor you. Hope you feel better soon!!

  13. AnonymousMay 07, 2008

    Molly, We are so sorry that you were so sick while we were out there and are even more sorry that you are still sick! I hope you feel better!!!

  14. AnonymousMay 08, 2008

    Molly, did you know that Lagunitas is my very favorite craft brew company. Ever? It is. And especially that IPA right there. Yum. I especially love their random fun special releases.

    My dad used to live in Petaluma, CA, and introduced me to Lagunitas a couple of years ago. For a year after that, I wimpered and sulked that it wasn't distributed in Wisconsin. Then, magically, it appeared, and I have been a happy girl ever since. Well, with mild bouts of frustration over other things. But you know.

    I hope you feel better soon, and get to drink some of that beer.


Sewing Crafts


email: mollydunham@sbcglobal.net
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