
Who Wrote the Book of (Blog) Love

When I was in the fifth grade, I "went out" with a boy named Ronnie What'sHisName for a whole 24 hours, until he dumped me and started "going out" with Sarah WhoDoesSheThinkSheIs (last names changed to protect identity). I remember going home after school and hearing the song Sarah by Jefferson Starship (go see), you know, No time is a good time for goodbye (bad hair, good video - is that Rebecca DeMornay?) I cried and cried some more. Storms are brew'in in your eyes. It was so traumatic, in fact, that I didn't have another boyfriend until my late teens (not that Ronnie is all to blame for that), and I haven't met a Sarah I liked since. Until now. Sarah of Still Life in Yarn, out of the blue, sent me a package filled with the goodies above. Well, not completely out of the blue. I drooled over her gnome fabric after seeing a picture of it on Flickr and offered to take any scraps off her hands. Ask and you shall receive. Thank you , thank you, thank you Sarah. I have lots of plans for these beautiful fabrics, and I'm open to suggestions for putting the baby cashmerino to good use. It's going to feel so good on needles.

In other news, upon extensive research this weekend, I discovered that I am breaking a cardinal rule of blog etiquette. According to growyourwritingbusiness.com, a sure way to "make other bloggers hate you" is to "never reply to comments at your blog." In my defense, I do reply to comments when I have an email address to respond to, but most comments submitted via Blogger show up in my email as noreply-comment@blogger.com. Folks over at Typepad or Wordpress do not have this problem and almost always reply to my comments, one of the many reasons I am considering a move. (If you have a Typepad or Wordpress blog, please let me know if I should make a deposit, pack my bags, and change my address.) I could leave a comment on my own blog to follow up on your comments, but, besides me and my mom, does anyone come back and read the comments? Fortunately, after several phone calls and emails with my friend Marjorie, I discovered a solution to the noreply-comment problem. If you have a Blogger account and would like to receive replies to your comments, go to your Dashboard, then Edit Profile, and under Privacy, select "Show my email address". You are now set up to receive responses to your carefully crafted and beautifully executed comments. I would love to keep the conversation going, and I apologize if my lack of response indicated lack of interest. Just lack of knowledge and experience.

Curious readers may wonder what type of "extensive research" I was doing this weekend, and how I ended up at growyourwritingbusiness.com. I started blogging as a personal outlet and a way to inspire my children to write, but along the way I unearthed a passion for writing that I didn't realize was buried within (Layers, Donkey, ogres have layers). I would like to continue growing as a writer and increase my exposure in the blogosphere (is that vain?). So, if you can think of ways to help me achieve this goal, your input would be greatly appreciated. Show some blog love by leaving a comment, and if you update your Blogger profile, I can return the love by sending a reply. And if you happen to have some gnome fabric laying around, my address is...


  1. I'll fess up that I have checked the number of your comments three times today... does that make me weird (no THAT doesn't make you weird says Mark)

  2. Can I cut and paste the instructions over to my blog? I think you can require people to leave their email. right? I don't know - it's all new to me.
    ~Baby Blogger

  3. There are some bloggers that reply to my comments in the comment section and some that send emails, and still others that don't reply at all. I always like getting replies, but it isnt necessary and it doesn't mean I won't come back anymore if you don't. But I am one of those bloggers that check the comments section to see if there is a reply to mine.

    Anyway, you were gifted some great fabrics and it's always fun to get stuff in the mail. My own mailbox was empty today. Was there a holiday I didn't know about?? Junk mail would have been good!

  4. Hooray! I'm so glad your package made it and that you like your new fabric. That baby cashmerino actually makes fantastic laying around the house socks. I made some for Annika and she wears them all the time. Can't wait to see your creations!

  5. great info on the replying to comments! i will change my settings tonight. thanks!!

  6. Sarah -- you live in Afghanistan? Please elaborate. . .

  7. Just so you know, I read all the comments, and check back to se any additions from time to time.
    I'm glad your writing talent has appeared.
    I love you!

  8. I often return to the blogs where I've left comments to see if the "author" has replied ;), but I don't comment just to get a response. I comment, because I like getting comments, and I assume most people feel the same way. It's nice to know that I've written something that strikes a cord with someone else.

    When I reply to comments, I do it on my blog, but I'm not very good about replying, either ;).

  9. So I guess this is where the conversation continues. Thinking about it, if the regular suspects who comment here read the comments of each other, we all get to know each other better. So, you'll see more of ME in this section from now on. And thank you for all your comments, they mean a lot to me.

  10. If what I have to say matters, I read everything...what a wonderful way to see into your mind, Molly girl!

  11. Those fabrics looks very sweet and inspiring. Especially the brown/aqua one.

  12. Well, I guess I should leave a comment here then. Thanks for leaving a note over my way. Now I'm off to see what else you've been up to.


Sewing Crafts


email: mollydunham@sbcglobal.net
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