
In Real Life

in real life

In real life,

in real life

I stand on the kitchen sink to take pictures of flowers on the windowsill.

in real life

I always have laundry to fold.

in real life

Our backyard is heaven to little boys in rubber boots.

in real life

My son plays with his food and I enjoy his culinary creations.

in real life

My son's bed looks like the closet in ET.

in real life

We don't have enough Legos.

in real life

My husband wears his boots until they fall apart.

in real life

My floor needs to be swept several times a day, but only gets swept a couple times a week.

I continue to be inspired by Stefani's "In Real Life" Flickr group. Rather than being frustrated by the clutter and chaos around me, I grab my camera and look for the beauty, the absurdity, the honesty, the memory I want to capture for later. It's fun, it's healthy, it's real life.

I am floating on a cloud of inspiration these days, a cloud about to burst and rain down upon this here blog. Wear your rain boots and bring a bucket next time you visit - hopefully you can take some inspiration home with you.


  1. love your pictures of real life! especially the huge backyard mud puddles!

    (daily blog stalker)

  2. Bring on that rain. You amaze me, continually, with your vision. Looking forward to sharing more real life.

  3. welcome hannah! i love daily blog stalkers :)

  4. oh, i love real life bloggers. finally someone I can relate too.

  5. Lovely pictures and post. I'll have to check out that flickr group.

  6. Once again Molly, you are my hero! Love your honesty. I'm going to try and embrace my real life a little more.

  7. Warts and all - the only way to fly!!

    I seriously relate better to folks with some crumbs on the counter and mud on their shoes.

    Thanks for the glimpse into your "real life" :0)

  8. What a cool idea. I think I'll have to start taking more shots like this. I have a gazillion dust bunnies in every corner of my house just waiting for photographic fame. ;)

  9. thank you for this. i really need to embrace real life more sometimes.

  10. real life is beautiful, I love your captured moments.

  11. Thank you for these! As much as I love the Martha Stewart and Real Simple variety of photos on blogs, they can start to feel like a magazine and not a real person's work. I love the normal-ness of this. :)

  12. I suspect my sister is a daily stalker, as she sent me a link to this post. I laughed at the lego picture...my boys are a bit older than yours and the tale is still the same: We don't have enough Legos. I'm not sure such a thing is ever achievable, actually. Your backyard is lovely, especially with the mud puddle players!

  13. oh these are just gorgeous...

  14. lovely photo stream, I thought the first pic had a dog looking back at you, but then realized it was a vase, ahh, the imagination.

  15. okay, your floor photo makes me feel so. much. better. about my floor. I swear, I sweep up a small dog's worth of hair every single day and it's still dirty. Ugh.

  16. i love your real life. i love that you stand on the sink!!!!! i am forever up on chairs over my dining table to get a shot of my food! lololol

    xo k

  17. totally worth you standing on the kitchen sink.

  18. oh your floor and my floor would totally get along! LOL
    Looking forward to the rain of inspiration... but actually could use some water type rain in our part of the world right now too.

  19. real life is beautiful!!

  20. Have I told you lately that I love you... you and all your real life-ness!

  21. Yes! Thanks for pointing me in the direction of that Flickr group...

  22. Some of your photos made me feel a lot better about my inability to keep up with the mess in my house... THANK YOU! :)

  23. These are so fantastic! Really like the kitchen sink. :)


  24. molly, this rocks! thanks!!

  25. Your reality is much more picturesque than mine.... Thanks for celebrating the everyday stuff.

  26. I love every part of this! I'm not sure if I love your toes in the sink, or Mr.'s work boots the most.

  27. I love your real life photos. Thanks for sharing!

  28. I'm looking forward to all that inspiration - although this post is inspiring me to chill out a little - so thanks.

  29. I totally laughed at the standing in the sink to take pictures of flowers!

  30. Ha! My son's bed looks like that too :)

  31. I.LOVE.YOU! Thanks for being real!

  32. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! What a great post! Real life, indeed! Also, aren't bandanas great? I had forgotten how great they are...

  33. oh how wonderful the "real life" photos are...I can not wait to see what you have created next :o)


    ps we are having a bloggy scavenger hunt. come on over and have a look see :o)

  34. I love that you are real.
    I love that your life is sometimes messy-and you embrace it!
    I love that you are honest.
    I love that you share your real life with us.

  35. Thank you for sharing your slices of real life. I often feel like everyone else has it together and I am living in moderately controlled chaos. On the verge. In reality we are all sifting and shifting through our real life piles.

  36. Love the photos and idea of finding beauty in our daily chaos!

  37. Love the picture of the old boots.

  38. Hmmm... I don't have enough Legos either! And my husband wears HIS shoes until they fall apart. MY floor needs to be swept every hour and only IS swept once a week! My backyard is a haven for rainboots and mudslinging. Hmmm... it seems we are living very similar lives! Aren't we lucky?!

  39. Oh my! I love your real life pictures! Mine look about the same! Once I learned that some things matter while others don't, life became so much simpler. THanks for reminding me again. It's a necessary life lesson if you want to be happy! :)
    Have a great week! Karen

  40. got my boots on. thank you.

  41. :) Speaking of real life... can you believe this rain right now? Ready for the rain of inspiration to come!

  42. I just found your blog (thanks to Katef).....that is fantastic! I now feel that little bit better about my seemingly living and breathing mountain of washing!

  43. the things we do for photos...although, i haven't yet stood on the sink. i just might have to try now.

  44. thank you! these photos made my day.

  45. I already commented on this yesterday, but I had to come back and share other two links with you that fell into my lap yesterday, and a sort of theme developed.
    The first is a quote about Authenticity here:
    The other is a 16 minute lecture on the topic of Glamour, and how we tend to manipulate the reality out of things in order to make them seem glamourous or more appealing. Here: http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/virginia_postrel_on_glamour.html

    Thanks for getting things started for my brain on this topic of being real.

  46. did you post this for me?

  47. love you and your REAL life... especially in the sink. I often wish someone could take a picture of me photographing things balancing in the odd and precarious places... of my real life.

  48. ilove the ET closet photo most....

  49. What I love the most about your blog is that you are REAL LIFE. I am often inspired by creative blogs in regards to sewing, knitting, gardening, cooking, and mothering. When I look at some of the popular blogs, I think to myself "how can they possibly knit, sew, mother in this glamorous AP way, take pictures of it all, post it to their blog and write books, etc". Where is the piled up laundry, food spills, muddy feet, dirty toilets? ...To me it isn't real life. Your blog is inspiring, and real life.

  50. I love these photos!

    I agree with anonymous that your blog is inspiring because it is real.

  51. This is my most favorite thing that I have read today.
