
Pet Projects, Part 2

On our way home from the library the other day, my children successfully convinced me to stop at our local reptile store.

"OK, but we're just looking," I said. Famous last words, right?

We left with a little package of triops eggs and a strong recommendation from the reptile guy to follow the directions.


We did and it worked. Our fast growing menagerie now includes six triops. Our former ant house is the perfect tank for these little prehistoric carnivores. As the grow we'll separate them into separate tanks. Perhaps some of our local friends are interested in a triop of their own? Let me know. Word has it they reproduce asexually. This will be an interesting "pet project" indeed.

A little side anecdote: On our way home from the reptile store Avery said, "Mom, this is the best $8 you've spent since Aidan was born."

I thought about it for a minute, wondering if she meant what I thought she meant.

"Pregnancy tests are about $8, right Mom?", Avery asked.

Yep, she meant what I thought she meant. Where do they learn these things?


  1. Now I have to go see what a triops is! How fun. My kids would be very envious.

    How do they learn these things? Sigh.

  2. hahaha, she's so cute.

    I had to google triop, because I've never heard of them.

  3. La, la, la...I'm not listening! No more pets! I'm a sucker for something that needs a home. I'm cracking up again! Two cute posts in a row!

  4. Oh my goodness... I'd never heard of these little guys before. I did some Googleling on them after reading your post, and it seems that they can be added to freshwater community tanks as temporary janitorial staff. When I get my aquarium set up again, I am SO going to have to "hire" some, and keep a culture of newer generations going for replacements. My Mister may be a bit freaked out by their short lifespans, but their "OMG Cool!" factor should trump that.

  5. My triops never hatched. We must have done something wrong. Maybe we'll try again someday.
    At least the kiddos didn't con you out of an iguana or something. :)

  6. Just don't let them talk you into a snake, I won't be coming to visit if that happens. Or like your brother would do if I said that to him - he'd run out and buy one!

  7. Hahaha!

    Triops were a big hit with my kids here too. They're so fun, yet fickle and creepy.

  8. Hah! How funny is that. I need to go Google triops too.

  9. hehehe. avery. you are hilarious.

  10. That gave me a good chuckle. It's amazing what kids pick up isn't it. Off like the others to go see what a triop is...

  11. $8 mystery solved - avery read my post and told me she learned about the pregnancy test from "marley and me". we recently listened to the audiobook, and she quoted, "we were swimming in $8 pregnancy tests." adorable book, but not every chapter was age appropriate :)

  12. We'll have to come over and visit your farm ;) I saw your ad on freecycle :(

  13. I grow triops every year in my classroom for when we study prehistoric time. They are pretty cool!

  14. you are like the coolest mom on the block right now I am sure. chicks and now triops - you are a brave one that is for sure.

  15. Your Avery is quite something! YOU: world's greatest mom!

  16. i am always amazed at what my kids remember! have fun with the triops.

  17. We grew Triops last year and plan to again this summer. It's amazing how fasts they grow.

  18. THAT is hilarious! Ah. Marley and me.

  19. OMG that is hilarious! The best $8.00 you've spent.....
    And aren't triops what we used to call sea monkeys? Love those chicks too, I've been dreaming of doing this too, but don't think I'm brave enough yet for all that work.

  20. OMG, lol at the pregnancy test comment.

    We've got triops here, and they're so great to watch as they grow. We have one that swims to the top, flips upside down, grabs the food with his hundreds of legs and sinks to the bottom. He just lays there on his back, eating. Really funny.

  21. MY daughter's name is Avery.
